Object Measurements

Object Measurements are made on a per-object basis, with one set of measurements for each object detected in a field. These measurements are typically of morphological characteristics of the objects detected, and can include size, shape, position, intensity, color, count, etc. The Object Measurement data are collected and summarized in Object Measurement Statistics, and displayed in the current active data document.

Object Size Measurements

The following list describes measurements relating primarily to object size as measured from a binary image. These measurements are typically based on a cross-sectional or plane view. For a non-calibrated system, measurements are expressed in number of pixels; for a calibrated system, they expressed in units of measure, e.g., microns. ClosedClick to display measurements.

Object Shape Measurements

Object shape measurements are a dimensionless numerical value used for quantitative comparison. These measurements are composed of a combination of size measurements were the units have been canceled out. ClosedClick to display measurements.

Object Intensity & Color Measurements

Intensity measurements are used to characterize and quantify pixel brightness values. ClosedClick to display measurements.

Object Position Measurements

Positional measurements are used to collect spatial information as well as determining object location (absolute and relative positions). ClosedClick to display measurements.